Interview: RYBN – The Great Offshore
Ahead of this afternoon's live performance of The Great Offshore by RYBN you can hear this recently recorded interview, Produced by m-cult, about the larger project behind the performance.
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Ahead of this afternoon's live performance of The Great Offshore by RYBN you can hear this recently recorded interview, Produced by m-cult, about the larger project behind the performance. presents a live radio performance based on their project The Great Offshore.
The Great Offshore is a long-term artistic research project aiming to highlight the inner mechanisms, networks and agents of offshore finance, and how they shape new kinds of extra-territorialities beyond legislation. The project studies the recent manifestations of offshore within the processes of financialisation of art, citizenship, outer space, waste externalisation, climate change unregulation, etc. Ultimately, the research is an attempt to understand how offshore has grown and spread from its primary form of tax havens to become the new economic norm of globalisation.
Ūmėdė*: x⬳disciplinary symposium for emerging art & related matters. What happened after the meteorite of the anthropocene has hit contemporary art, and bioactivists together with AI and XR* have exploded the discourse formerly known as media?
What role does music play in our lives? Can music teach us something about how to live? Dr Tom Cochrane and Faisal Gill discuss how musical improvisation gives us a model of freedom that we can recreate in everyday life. Of particular importance is the idea of working with what we have to hand, rather than imposing a sense of how things are supposed to be. This idea is applied to the use of one’s emotions in a generative way.
Thanks to the ASEF Mobility First! Grant, tune in for a Creativity and Well-being Series across 3 Continents: Finland, Pakistan and Australia. This will be a recorded talk.
Real time translation of Russian presentation: Фрукты Врукты / Frukty Vrukty will tell and show what street art is for them, about their experience in creating street art and how they talk with the city and its inhabitants.
Real-time translation of discussion in Russian about SciHub and free access to scientific knowledge.
New audio works from students of the Estonian Academy of Arts curated by John Grzinich. The New Media department of the Estonian Academy of Arts encourages all forms of sonic exploration and it shows in the diversity of engaging works developed by the students. Included here are works created for a Masters Thesis, live stage performance, interactive installation and electronic music composition.